One only has to consider the large number of highly suspicious deaths surrounding scientists, bankers and journalists to feel that something strange is afoot.
A Denver banker that supposedly shot himself 8 times in his head and torso with a nail gun, the infectious disease scientist who was stabbed 196 times, 3 investigative journalists who all work in explosive areas die within 24 hours…the list goes on and on.
Statistically, it makes no sense…unless it was all intended…
Here we go again. Jade Helm is gonna get ya. Seriously y’all are all insane. This is what happens when you have one of the worst educational systems in the world.
Yes, let’s do a real takeover of the USA and tell everyone about beforehand. I wonder why all these billionaires are beginning to toss hundreds of millions at Presidential contenders if this is all over with this summer. I also wonder why they have not all liquidated their $#%&!@*ets as the market will surely crash at the start of all this monetary policy change. A tiny bit of critical thinking goes a long, long way.
It’s called the Clinton Chronicles and has been so debunked it is laughable that people still insist on it. It is about as believable as this c**p.
John Chavanne said it best. Just click bait to draw you in about bogus stuff
Robb, some of these ppl are bat$#%&!@* crazy lol, but funny as hell
I just read an article on why these people accept being lied to by the many sites and publications they rely on and believe to be true. It said that when confronted with empirical evidence, multiple sources that show they are completely wrong, what do they do? They dig their heels in deeper. It is kinda funny, sad though.
Oh this is awesome. I love to screenshot these crazy comments for my conspiracy page. The stupid is strong on thus post. Keep up the crazy work people
I’m pretty sure it has to do with these humanoid robots that all these bankers invested in and scientist helped create. Now that the project is paid for and finished those who know too much are being taken out. For a start they are going to replace our police force and school teachers with these robots. That’s why your suddenly seeing all these teachers accused of sex with students and policemen abusing their badges. First they need a good reason to bring them in. Once they’re in there will be no turning back.
I want to know what they’re going to do when the big U.N. takeover doesn’t happen. I’m guessing they’ll credit it to their “vigilance” forcing Obama (the U.N., the Carlisle Group, the Rand Corporation, the Fed) the push the revolution back a year.
It’s true. The social scientists have been after the hard scientists for decades, and now is their chance. Reminds me of the power struggle between English Lit professors and Ceramics instructors in the ’80s. Resulted in a bloodbath at JCs around the country that humanities departments are only now recovering from.