One only has to consider the large number of highly suspicious deaths surrounding scientists, bankers and journalists to feel that something strange is afoot.
A Denver banker that supposedly shot himself 8 times in his head and torso with a nail gun, the infectious disease scientist who was stabbed 196 times, 3 investigative journalists who all work in explosive areas die within 24 hours…the list goes on and on.
Statistically, it makes no sense…unless it was all intended…
Web sites like this keep tin foil manufactutors in business.
Yeah another lying headline, if you read the article these deaths occured over the last 11 years
Everything is TRUE on the Internet, it can’t be posted if it’s not. Wow
Nothing is going on, government loves you.
This sight is Koch bros backed nonsense
Surely not the Arkansas Flue again!
You people are bat$#%&!@* crazy if you believe this!!
@[100004214556701:2048:Sabrina Lunsford Moore]
Who is John Galt?
I’m pretty sure jade helm has already started