De Niro Backs Off Trump

When asked by ITK if there was a message he’d like to share with the President-elect, he said that he taking a “wait and see approach.” De Niro was one of twenty-one celebrities to accept the Presidential Medal of Freedom from President Obama. Apparently being an actor makes you an American hero. Despite some of De Niro’s inappropriate comments towards Trump, the man does make good films.

Not only did De Niro threaten to punch Trump in the face, but he’s said things that are far nastier over the course of the campaign, refering to Trump as a “dog,” a “pig.” a “bullsh**t,” artist and other things.

“I would only say that we’re all hoping, waiting and hoping, that he will lead the country in a way that’ll benefit everyone and benefit our neighbors around the world. That’s all,” De Niro told ITK Tuesday, according to the Hill. “We’re waiting and hoping, and we’ll see.”

De Niro added that the video in which he said he said he wanted to punch Trump — released last month as an outtake from a voter registration PSA — was “more symbolic” than literal, and that “anybody would want to punch him in the face” after the things he said on the campaign trail.

“Now he’s president-elect and I just want to see what he’s going to do,” De Niro said, according to the Hill.

After Trump’s victory, De Niro told the Hollywood Reporter that he felt like he did after the September 11 terrorist attacks. Why he thinks his opinion matters or that he should have any influence on politics is anybody’s guess. But maybe he should stick to movies and leave managing the country to people who know what they’re talking about.





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