Barack Obama has always been a power-hungry executive. After a Republican congress finally began denying Obama his agenda in 2014, the president’s true character was revealed. Rather than compromise with congressional Republicans — like his Democrat predecessor Bill Clinton — Obama instead began to rule by executive order.
But there is one area in which Obama seems fine ceding power — when the authority would be transferred to another country or the global community.
Obama may want an all-powerful federal government, but he’s more than comfortable letting America’s position as the world’s premier superpower diminish before his eyes.
Now, Obama is poised to surrender the internet to the ‘global community’ — a move that seems to be happening at the tech industry’s urging — see how much time we have left before the Internet is lost to the United Nations:
spineless yellow congress impeacement will never happen
Oh he can go to hell.
This must be stopped!
congress must stop obama from doing this.
This is b******t
CONGRESS. …. ? ? ? ? REALLY. . ! I
There just has been a Huge Law Suit Filed Against This as Well as Its Illegal. You cannot turn over USA Owned Business or Property its Against the Law. I Believe when a Law Suit is Filed it puts a Halt to all Actions Pertaining to the Action which The Law Suit Was Filed. Also keep in mind the Courts do Move Slow, so this Action to turn over the The Internet Can Not Go Any Farther until its Settled . Now think about the Timing, this probably Won’t Get Settled Until Sometime in 2017. By then Obama Will Be Out and Thrump in.
Treason again. When will someone stop him?
Ellen, you are so right. That is exactly what the Obama and the Elite are pushing to happen…they are out to take over our country and have it under New World Order Rule and Obama plans to be Ruler. Its just beyond words how our Government can sit back and see this happen….they are all corrupt and evil beyond words. I am so ashamed of them all except for a select few who are fighting against this tyrannical take over. I knew years ago that these days were coming when Obama took office. In this case I hate being right.
If you accept the premise that obama hates America, and hates Americans, then everything he has said, and done, and everything he has not said and not done, makes perfect sense. To better understand the origin of his beliefs, and their foundation, read, in his own words, obama’s books, “Dreams From My Father” and “Audacity of Hope”. Then look at what he has done in light of what he has said. barack obama is also a follower of, and a believer in Saul Alinsky, a communist community organizer who wrote a book titled “Rules for Radicals”. Additionally read the books “The Roots of Obama’s Rage” by Dinesh D’Souza; “Why the Left Hates America” by Daniel J. Flynn; “The Amateur” by Edward Klein; “Culture of Corruption” by Michelle Malkin; and “The Post-American Presidency” by Pamela Geller. These authors coorelate, in detail, the experiences, circumstances, and situations, many of which shaped obama’s mind, clearly demonstrated throughout his presidency. Read/examine these publications, then tell me you can honestly believe barack obama, and the left, have America’s interests in his mind, let alone in their heart. More directly obama is doing exactly what he stated 5 days before he was elected for his first term as president – his promise that “we are 5 days from fundamentally transforming America”. barack obama is the greatest threat this country has ever faced. That he was elected at all is one thing, but that the American people have tolerated repeated insult, injury, and acts of lawlessness from this man, without objection, yet elected him for a second term says far more about us than it does about him. During his formative youth, obama was raised and schooled principally in Hawaii and Indonesia where he was simmered in racism, communism, marxism, and islam. As a result, “president”, obama has exploded our debt, weakened our military, undermined the Constitution, worsened race relations, fanned class warfare, promoted communism, alienated friends, coddled enemies, ignored our laws, erased our borders, flooded our cities with unvetted muslims, punished success, wreaked havoc on our healthcare system, championed islam, denigrated Christians and Christianity, coursened our culture, demonized police, poisoned our politics, weaponized the IRS, EPA, BLM and other government agencies, and turned our schools into indoctrination centers. This is not the result of incompetence, this has occurred by design.