Screenshots appearing on Dark Web messaging boards are being viewed by some as proof of the Deep State’s attempt to destroy the Presidency.
A young man or women identified online as “freshcamel” was active on several Dark Web messaging boards Wednesday night asking other users to help decipher communications intercepted via an end-to-end encryption messaging platform called Gilph. End-to-end encryption prevents messages from being tracked back and forth between the people in communication.
The individual who intercepted these messages provided little information on the people involved in these communications. However, American users on Dark Web messaging boards immediately recognized a certain name. These unverified screenshots reveal a group had prior knowledge of Mueller being named Special Prosecutor before publicly announced.
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Why is it that most Musicians and Actors are Liberals?
here we go again! keeping your people pissed with lies!
Trump should use whatever he needs to to jail these coup planners.
what we need to do is go back on every person in congress and see if any of their relatives owned a slave ,and if they did they should lose their job ,their pension,and their medical benifits hows that sound for fair
America will never be the same if you do this it will be all out war. And we will not except a surrender. It will be the end of your party!
Joshua Lowe it was to destroy plots and plans! You added “others”…
Do they send you guys a set list of things to say from your trolling site? At least be original.
They will never turn me against my country or President,God has got our back
If this site is used to subvert the American Government, it should be closed down by the justice department!