Screenshots appearing on Dark Web messaging boards are being viewed by some as proof of the Deep State’s attempt to destroy the Presidency.
A young man or women identified online as “freshcamel” was active on several Dark Web messaging boards Wednesday night asking other users to help decipher communications intercepted via an end-to-end encryption messaging platform called Gilph. End-to-end encryption prevents messages from being tracked back and forth between the people in communication.
The individual who intercepted these messages provided little information on the people involved in these communications. However, American users on Dark Web messaging boards immediately recognized a certain name. These unverified screenshots reveal a group had prior knowledge of Mueller being named Special Prosecutor before publicly announced.
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So DO something about it already!!!!!
Hahahahahhaaaaaaa….Ok Trumpsters….what excuse can you say now that Trump is literally firing everyone that got him elected and/or was there from the start? The puppet is asking for new puppeteers?
If so many people find the confederate statues offencive wonder what would happen if a group found all reference to slavery or the civil rights movement where taken down? I dont believe in removing any of our history. But fair is fair. It would be a shame to damage anything MLK or what about the museums about the holocouse museums. Its totaly out of control.
Busted- hard evidence- indictments coming-
Why to go Larry Wyrick Sr.! It was plan as day in black and white and Joshua Lowe still tJoshua Lowest it.
Why to call it out Larry Wyrick Sr.! It was there plan as day in black and white and Joshua Lowe still tJoshua Lowest it!!
Good luck you silly people, history doesn’t support delusion.
I see Trump every single day making a fool of himself. I see Trump undermining Free Speech via slamming every single news show. Except Fox and Friends and Bretbart.
These comparisons are ridiculous. It’s no wonder Trump can so easily fool you.
Where is Assange? Haven’t heard or seen him in a while. I wonder if the CIA Killed him yet.