In a “wag the dog” move, Obama took the distraction of the media with the Pope’s visit to release a terrorist.
Only FOX picked up the story of the big news networks. Usually, six agencies had to be consulted with a release, Obama skipped that part, and unilaterally let him go. The prisoner is Abdul Shalabi, and had been a detainee for nine years.
more on Shalabi and Obama’s coup to free him next page
Traitor! Aiding and abetting. Arrest him now.
Just ahows you where he stands. What about our guys held abroad?
Evil rises when good men do nothing. WAKE UP AMERICA.
Obama is a Traitor, impeach him, jail him.
I think they are mean and nasty because they hate being so ugly and beleive god(Allah) dealt them a bad hand.
Arrest that SOB!!!!!!
Nothing new its his family and cares nothing for the USA except destroying it.
It will never happen he has to much political power there afraid to do anything to much cruptshion
Joan Roberson Don’t call people 3rd grade names that are smarter than you are. Obama is air striking & killing terrorists and took out the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks on America. The plan to get many other nations in this fight against ISIS is the only plan that will work. And you are saying what ???