In a “wag the dog” move, Obama took the distraction of the media with the Pope’s visit to release a terrorist.
Only FOX picked up the story of the big news networks. Usually, six agencies had to be consulted with a release, Obama skipped that part, and unilaterally let him go. The prisoner is Abdul Shalabi, and had been a detainee for nine years.
more on Shalabi and Obama’s coup to free him next page
We can’t just worry about obummer, killery,$#%&!@* it is the entire leftist agenda we are fighting!!!!
Time for Obama to be executed along with his Muslim brothers.
When, Oh When is someone going to develop enough cahones to start impeachment proceedings on Obama?????
Wake up America, can’t you see & understand what the imperial dictator traitor is doing to this country????
Wtf??? And people still love him??? Wtf???
Maybe he’s making room at Gitmo for himself and a bunch of his minions??!!
I wish congress had a backbone !!!!!!!!!
Put BO in the Place of the terrorist Released !!
Obama spits in the face of America laws and congress just sits there doing nothing to stop his illegal actions! Sad state of affairs for our nation!
He should not be on this earth any longer !!