In a “wag the dog” move, Obama took the distraction of the media with the Pope’s visit to release a terrorist.
Only FOX picked up the story of the big news networks. Usually, six agencies had to be consulted with a release, Obama skipped that part, and unilaterally let him go. The prisoner is Abdul Shalabi, and had been a detainee for nine years.
more on Shalabi and Obama’s coup to free him next page
And this is a surprise to anyone?
You notice the non Muslim Americans held in Iran, are not a concern to Obama or Kerry!
O is a traitor
Obama ‘s brother
Hated to share this it’s so ugly, but this is what our president is doing to us.
Is there anyone, ANYONE AT ALL, in our congress ?beside TedCruz) who has the moral courage to stand up against this tyrant? We Americans are all stupified at the inconceivable apathy and cowardice of our elected leaders. This has been allowed to go WAY TOO FAR. Di they really care so little about the wanton, unopposed destruction of a once great nation? Do they not realize that when we burn, THEY BURN WITH US?
Helping his brothers.
Thats his bro