In a “wag the dog” move, Obama took the distraction of the media with the Pope’s visit to release a terrorist.
Only FOX picked up the story of the big news networks. Usually, six agencies had to be consulted with a release, Obama skipped that part, and unilaterally let him go. The prisoner is Abdul Shalabi, and had been a detainee for nine years.
more on Shalabi and Obama’s coup to free him next page
And whos going to stop him??? Not one dam person that can..some times I think they put this out just to shake people cages…so if its true why the hell is no one doing anything??
Gee, that is just swell! Behead the SOB
Arrest, prosecute, EXECUTE this FRAUD who has usurped the People’s House. He is a Muslim TRAITOR who has done everything to DESTROY the very Foundation of AMERICA.
He is working overtime to destroy this Nation…..Our Muslim-in-Chief at his best…
Silly me, but I’ll ask anyway…Is this LEGAL?
Bbill Toby Holt
Bless you Mr. Obama. Let your people go free so they can kill again.
Obama is indangering us all !!! The Maybe he thinks when we are all killed he will get 72 Virgins ????