Thomas Eric Duncan, the first Ebola patient diagnosed in the United States, died yesterday at the Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas where he was being treated.
We can all pray that this doesn’t spread in the US, but with a President who assigns a larger priority to those in Africa over people here in the US, and with the opinion of experts like FDA’s Dr. Jesse L. Goodman, there is unfortunately great cause for concern.
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send him home
he doesn’t even know what he is saying being it’s all lies and he won’t remember what he said the next day……………..pos
Well he is partially black you know. Let’s hope he goes over and personally lends a hand. It’s the muslim thing to do. Isn’t it?
Maybe Obama should go to Liberia and catch Ebola.
Why can’t all the proof show America, this man can care less about Americans and should be arrested for going against our Country/people! Enough of this Disgraceful guy!
he always did
Seize him try him then fry him for all of his crimes against America and American’s , if he’d been fully white , instead of just half ass white , this would have been done by now!!!!!
he should get abola himself
Obama should be held accountable for all deaths attributed to Ebolafor not keeping these people out of the country.
Best one yet. All cases of Ebola in Washington Hospital were negative much to the chagrin of the White House reporters. According to VT Radio Snowden leaks, Ebola is not weaponized but is serious because of no travel bans. I guess that means that one viral particle will not initiate a successful infection since it normally takes millions.White House Reporter after Press Conference says they’re Screwed.