Donald Trump looked as if he may have had the nomination in the bag after his huge wins on Super Tuesday, but less then a week later Ted Cruz hit back with an even better showing on the so-called “Super Saturday.” Now that the race is once again uncertain, and Cruz looks more and more like the anti-Trump candidate that never came to be, many are looking for ways and reasons to tear down the Texas Senator before he gains any more momentum.
The Daily Caller’s Roger Stone is happy to help with the dismantling of Cruz, as the online publication published a scathing op-ed that attempts to shed light on Cruz’s shady back-room deals. For the candidate whose slogan is “TrusTED,” stories such as this could be dating to his already crippled reputation.
See Stone’s allegations on the next page:
B.Os baby brother
Thanks, Todd.
Go Trump!
God is Great, Remember, Victory begets victory and now the snowball effect will lead to more victories ! ! ** — ** Hearty Congratulations to our President Ted Cruz, your hard work and sincerity is paying off. **–** No wonder we need Ted Cruz, who is not only Evangelical but also very Presidential, respectable and stable, knows his ways around to get things done ! ! Now is the time to Rise America, rise for the only true conservative candidate ! ! *********************************************************************************** **–** No one man has the solution to all our problems and it will take a Team of top experts to rise and get united to help lead our President towards prosperity, it will be a daunting task to help Save America ! !
If not we, Who will protect it for our future generations ! !
Yes, He is our only hope! ! ! !
** — ** We should be ashamed of how we treat our Seniors and Vets, by neglecting them, forcing them to live a life of poverty.
NATO Commander – ISIS Spreading Like A Cancer Among Refugees.
*–* Navy SEALs Report Lack of Combat Rifles, shame on Pentagon and our politicians ! !
SHAMEFUL: American Soldiers Forced To Buy THEIR OWN GEAR
Ted Cruz for President of America,
Rising Tide Lifts All.
Ted Cruz 2016
Ted Cruz 2016 PS: I.m glad, for our team of four, who have been working 24/7 to help promote our future President Ted Cruz 2016
A.P.P. American Patriotic Party.
Enough said……
Trump’s history is one of a democrat?…he’s supported Hillary for years?..what?
That’s not true.
Bonita Selzler she was registered to vote in Canada at the time of his birth.
Cruz is a Goldman ball Sachs man, his wife works for Goldman sacks, he’s just a puppet in waiting like all of them. They all controlled by the same people.