Donald Trump looked as if he may have had the nomination in the bag after his huge wins on Super Tuesday, but less then a week later Ted Cruz hit back with an even better showing on the so-called “Super Saturday.” Now that the race is once again uncertain, and Cruz looks more and more like the anti-Trump candidate that never came to be, many are looking for ways and reasons to tear down the Texas Senator before he gains any more momentum.
The Daily Caller’s Roger Stone is happy to help with the dismantling of Cruz, as the online publication published a scathing op-ed that attempts to shed light on Cruz’s shady back-room deals. For the candidate whose slogan is “TrusTED,” stories such as this could be dating to his already crippled reputation.
See Stone’s allegations on the next page:
I turn the TV station every time I see his face he looks exactly like the guy on the ” Munsters” lmfao he makes me want to puke on him
intelligent Ameridcans realize that cruz is just another lying political hack
He was born in Canada to a mother that had renounced her citizenship to the US. He is not a natural born citizen.
If you plan to vote for Ted Cruz, you MUST know these things! Educate yourselves on him and his wife
* Heidi Cruz has been employed by Goldman Sachs since 2005. She is currently on leave.
* Heidi Cruz is a member of the leftist council on foreign relations, advocates of world Government and a New World Order.
* Ted Cruz was George Bush’s top policy advisor.
* Ted Cruz was in the federal Trade Commission.
* Ted and Heidi met when they were both Bush staffers.
* Cruz advised on legal affairs and Heidi on economic policy for the bush administration.
* Heidi was director for the Western Hemisphere on the national security council under Condoleeza Rice.
* Heidi served as deputy U.S. Trade Representative to USTR head,
Robert Zoellick, working on China trade policy.
* Ted Cruz’ campaign chairman, Chad Sweet, is a former CIA officer.
He also worked for Goldman Sachs.
* Ted Cruz voted for cloture on TPA, (trans pacific partnership agreement)
fast track trade authority, removing the hurdle of concern for further amendment, and clearing the way for passage!
It didn’t have to be recorded, so nobody knew this.
He voted NOT to require approval of congress before other countries could join, including China.
* Cruz has openly stated that he will NOT use a deportation force, and will continue to use the failed ICE system, where an illegal has to commit a crime first, then be caught.
* Cruz belongs to the radical Christian sect of 7 mountains dominionism, that seeks to place their members in control of our culture and create a NWO though the$#%&!@*of business, government, media, arts & entertainment, education, family, and religion. He is the appointed messiah/savior of their group.
* Ted Cruz has only been a citizen for about 19 months! He renounced his Canadian citizenship in 2014 so he could run for president.
There are also other reasons that he is not constitutionally eligible, including the fact that both of his parents were NOT U.S. Citizens when he was born, only his mother was.
Wise up, he’s not who you think he is!
Cruz is Establishment
To the English Clinton is a moderate centrist and they thinl Obama is right on.
I think that most people will agree that Governor Mike Huckabee is a conservative christian of very high character..I wish that everyone could have seen the interview he had with Lou Dobbs..Huckabee said that the reason the republican establishment , the democratic establishment and the media are all against Trump is that they are all in the scamming of america together because they are all paid off by the same big donors and special interests… He offered several actions as proof of this which included the fact that Romney laid down in order for obama to win , the fact that the republican congress has allowed obama to do what he wanted and that nothing has been done about obama’s illegal actions…He said that Romney and the elites would rather hillary or another establishment democrat be elected than Trump because their game of fleecing america could still continue where as Trump would stop their game because he could not be bought off and actually wants what is best for the american people.. He went on to say that regardless of what all the doctored polls say that all the elites knew that Trump would in fact beat hillary..He said that all the other candidates regardless of their claims are actually part of the establishment. He says that there are many things that he knows that prove this but a simple way for the voters to know this is to just look at who is financing their campaigns. To find the truth , you can always follow the money..He also took an especially dim view of Cruz because of him claiming to be such a conservative christian while running the most dishonest campaign and in fact being just as bought and paid for as all the others..What all this adds up to is that regardless of which candidate had sold you on their lies , that is exactly what they are because they are all in the same club..If anyone doubts any of this then take the time to read what Huckabee , Newt Gingrich , Herman Cain or even Lou Dobbs have to say on this subject because they are all honorable men that are not on the take..Please seriously research this and I believe you will come to the conclussion that if we want to save our country then we must all stand together to get Trump at least 1237 delegates to keep the elites from picking one of the good old boys to carry on business as usual.. share this message with others if you think the info is worthwhile and please get out and convince others to join us in our drive to save our country..
The truth about citizenship didn’t matter in the case of Obma/Soetoro.