Donald Trump looked as if he may have had the nomination in the bag after his huge wins on Super Tuesday, but less then a week later Ted Cruz hit back with an even better showing on the so-called “Super Saturday.” Now that the race is once again uncertain, and Cruz looks more and more like the anti-Trump candidate that never came to be, many are looking for ways and reasons to tear down the Texas Senator before he gains any more momentum.
The Daily Caller’s Roger Stone is happy to help with the dismantling of Cruz, as the online publication published a scathing op-ed that attempts to shed light on Cruz’s shady back-room deals. For the candidate whose slogan is “TrusTED,” stories such as this could be dating to his already crippled reputation.
See Stone’s allegations on the next page:
slim ball and anti American just like obummer
I wholeheartedly agree with both trump and Ted Cruz’ messages about what ails this Nation and what needs to be done to take this Nation back from rogue elements within Our Governing bodies from DC to small town USA……..the difference is I trust Ted Cruz at his word to do what We The People entrust Our “leaders” to do in order to defend and uphold the Constitution of this Republic….Either way, this election IS Our last chance to begin to salvage this Nation and Our childrens future and whether it is Ted or Trump, their feet need to be held to the fire and that can only be done by a concerted effort by We The legal law abiding citizens of this Nation…..We have dug this hole we find Our Nation in and only We can save Her…it begins and ends with We The People.
All career politicians are just that < they are pro government , pro UN and are there to put bill pay offs in there pockets , not to do as majority wants . Dont believe it you say . well take a look at our current governmemt and the American job and Constitution situation that shoud say enough.
We need Trump as president and Cruz on the Supreme Court.
He tells so many stories he doesn’t know who the real person is either
if I hear this dude turn one more question into another smug anti-Trump rant, my dislike for this dude will further errode my previously strong support for him as my second choice. I’ve gotten to where I don’t like this dude anymore, hey, Mr. Cruz, dude!
A scum bag traitor
Its funny how people can be so willfully blind not to see the entire main stream media have been attempting to push for Donald’s nomination and have held back on REALLY attacking him on his record on major issues…
Its funny how sheeple quickly forget #TedCruz is also ani establishment… I’ve found it rather interestingly enough that how when it was a black liberal man running for the office of presidency THAT’S ALL the main stream media would talk about! Including faux & cnn…
But now that we have an actual #Christian #Constitutional #Conservative there is not so Mich as even a mention of this historical president.
Its called t.v #programming for a reason.
Lying lawyer is what he is