DACA Illegals Sue to Remain on Welfare and Claim Green Card

As of 2015, the United States, by far, was the country that hosted the most immigrants from any nation…legal, that is. For refugees, the US fell to fifth in the world behind Germany, Italy, France and Sweden. As for illegals, the number cannot be precisely ascertained, yet with some sense of detail, it is estimated that the United States plays host to perhaps the largest population of illegal aliens on the planet!

This fact is evidenced purely by the information that almost every other nation in the world has a stricter and, some might say, crueler illegal immigration policy than that of America. Even in the Left’s admiration of the people of Mexico and Central American nations, they conveniently and consistently fail to note that illegal immigration policies in those nations are so harsh as to generate almost no border-crashing of any kind in ingress.

If the DACA is finally whittled away into the mists of history and Congress finally acts to ensure that President Trump doesn’t have to do all the heavy lifting on this issue himself, we just may see a new and improved bill that fairly and consistently puts this conflict to rest.

Until then, the administration will have no choice but to continue to battle these spurious attempts at litigation and a false narrative that enforcing national immigration laws is racist and unconstitutional. When the conversation finally turns into a frank discussion on the merits of the applicant and not the race of the applicant, only then will real progress take place.

Source: Breitbart / Department of Homeland Security

Image: Molly Adams



  1. Jake Sherwood
  2. Jake Sherwood
  3. Jake Sherwood
  4. Wendy Bailey

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