Cyber-Security Expert: ‘Every Router in America Has Been Compromised’

Cyber-Security Expert: ‘Every Router in America Has Been Compromised’

Ever sit at your computer wondering whether your computer is watching you? Well, it’s actually not your computer so much as what you might be connected to and through. After all, how many of us really know how the internet works?

And since hackers can get into what are presumably the most secure systems in the world such as those at the NSA and CIA, it’s a pretty good chance that the data we keep on our computers or transmit over the internet can be compromised and intercepted, too.

But the whole thing is much more serious than that. If you are concerned that you don’t have much security, you have even less than you might have imagined. That router in your house or office as well as the one at your local restaurant or cafe is watching you and collecting data.

Computer privacy expert John McAfee explains the shocking amount of information that has been collected on each of us on page two.

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