Adding to the plethora of garbage laws created by New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, such as really big soft drinks, we now have the ‘no tattoo, no piercing’ law for pets.
Because, you know, it’s embarrassing for a pet to look in the mirror to see a tattoo that they didn’t consent to.
This latest law is not really to protect you pet’s self-esteem, it’s too continue to desensitize your aversion to authoritarianism.
Lol well worth 15 days in jail! That cat looks awesome
if we as a people didn’t treat things inhumanely then the government wouldn’t have to stick there dumb assess in our business..but looks like we can’t maintain some sort of commonsense so guess we get what we get.
At what point do we get to kick new York out of the union?
I agree, tattoo’s are ugly and no one should tattoo there animal because that is just inhumane
I say put the owner down and give the pet $250.00. I’ll pitch in.
I think that cuomo is trying to see how idiotic he can be and still not get booted out of office
It’s working so far.
New York deserves him !!!!
I think your the idiot!