Adding to the plethora of garbage laws created by New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, such as really big soft drinks, we now have the ‘no tattoo, no piercing’ law for pets.
Because, you know, it’s embarrassing for a pet to look in the mirror to see a tattoo that they didn’t consent to.
This latest law is not really to protect you pet’s self-esteem, it’s too continue to desensitize your aversion to authoritarianism.
why would you do that to a pet
I dont know why you would want to tattoo your pet, that just seems cruel to me but there are people who tattoo a number and such for identification and then there’s those that insert a microchip to track them in case they’re stolen so how does all of this work. Alot of contradiction here.
Microchip should be illegal too
See Hunter thats what I mean they cant have it both but it seems that in todays world its more like do as I say not what I do or its ok for me but not for you. I think that the microchip was llike the test to start on animals and eventually it’ll be the norm to used on people and agzin it has its pros and cons. Personaly Im against it all and yet Im covered in tattoos, a side effect of years in the military.
*shoot out between friends?* lol
Secondly, Itde be one thing to shoot me for pointlessly assaulting a stranger, but that cat tattin pos has it coming, your animal or not, you wont abuse one around me
That tat artist would be next
Morons. There is no cure for STUPID
Second point- There is NO REASON, to have cats in shelters. THEYRE ANIMALS. What self absorbing idiot thinks that cats can’t survive without humans? They can feed themselves better than us. ALL CATS SHOULD BE TURNED LOOSE.