Adding to the plethora of garbage laws created by New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, such as really big soft drinks, we now have the ‘no tattoo, no piercing’ law for pets.
Because, you know, it’s embarrassing for a pet to look in the mirror to see a tattoo that they didn’t consent to.
This latest law is not really to protect you pet’s self-esteem, it’s too continue to desensitize your aversion to authoritarianism.
Ridiculous laws !! animal cruelty laws are on the books !
How stupid they put id tattoos in their mouth what’s the difference
Just like a brand probably less painful
That certainly raises the price of getting one.
Someone up there needs to take this communist pos out. & not to lunch.
That’s it Christeene Gypsy Damron. I’m shaving Sebastion! Lol
Animal shelters tattoo pets that have been spayed and neutered; some owners tattoo a unique identifying number on their pets (registration number, usually) when the dog is sedated. Tattooing a pet with a graphic element is abusive. I’ve seen dogs with pierced ears, too, and I think that’s abusive as well. Dogs scratch their ears with their paws – and that’s going to yank out an earring and hurt.
This is a joke right? Don’t tell me people actually do this to their companions.
I agree. Screw people. How stupid can you get. That’s animal torture.
I would charge them with stupidity and make them serve up to 10 Years in prison.