Chris Cuomo is a Liberal hack. Let’s be honest. He exists on CNN not because he has brilliant opinions or even popular opinions, for that matter. Just about 100% of his statements end up being a polarized view of opinions that are in diametric opposition to those of the American majority.
It’s a very strange thing to watch a Leftist on their networks of choice (and those would be any of the news networks or NPR, CSPAN, etc., that are not Fox News) who spew Socialist, Communist, Liberal, Fascist, racist garbage on an hourly basis, and then have the audacity to point at the camera and angrily rant about how they cannot tolerate the hatred of the “alt-Right, KKK, Nazis, Neo-Nazis, and White Supremacists” in this country. And I’m pretty sure it’s a safe bet that 99% of them don’t even have a clue what a Neo-Nazi really is. Oh, they’ll throw it out there. But they really don’t know what it means.
But getting back to the racist Chris Cuomo and the racist networks of the alt-Left (also known as the Fake News Industrial Complex (FNIC)), it’s strange to note how little substance they actually cover and how much of what they do cover is usually a restating of what the Party of the Jackass commands them to state on the air.
Chris Cuomo made a truly ignorant and (something he fully knew to be) false statement on the air, yet he said it because he wants ratings.
Or does he?
Read on the next page about the strange bedfellows that have evolved in the Brave New World of the FNIC…one that demands of them to toe the Liberal line in everything they broadcast, but also that which continues to erode their means of making money!
Cuomo + CNN = biggest threat to America !!!!
No, Cuomo, you have that wrong again! It is the Extreme Left, Obama and Hillary!
This guy.
Another village idiot with a Mike and platforms. These people need shock treatments or better drugs.
Says the ever constant divisive seditionist communist!
He must love ignorance.
What a complete$#%&!@*
The most dangerous group are the muslims
And just who has the extreme right killed??? The mass shootings are in fact done by liberals but oh shock, thats never included in the reporting of them is it? Liberals are the ones letting criminals out of jail and sending terrorists back to their reigns of terror. Liberals are the ones encouraging illegals across the border regardless of our laws. Liberals are the ones spying on an opposing party during an election and cheating in our elections refusing for that reason to support voter ids that are commons in just about any other country. Liberals are the ones burning and tearing our cities down when a thug gets shot by a cop and the cop is found justified. Liberals are the ones marching through are streets trashing, burning, and tearing statues down becaus they arent grown up enough to just not look at something they dont like. Liberals are the ones trying to control what people are allowed to say, drink, eat and where they live. etc etc etc. Give me a break!!!