When Donald Trump first unveiled his nickname for CNN, “Fake News CNN,” many rolled their eyes. But now they’re probably wishing they could take it back, as the Trump administration seems to have crippled the network’s ability to report in an ethical and factual way.
This became exceedingly clear this week when the network tracked down the maker on an anti-CNN meme and made him promise to remain sorry for his actions. If not, they threatened to reveal his identity and put he and his family’s safety at risk.
This move was almost universally condemned, but CNN’s Chris Cuomo doesn’t seem bothered by it. In response, he posted the following tweet:
He was later confronted by Larua Loomer of Rebel Yell news about the extortion — which he claims never happened.
Yes, this is the same CNN host that said 12-Year-Old girls who object to seeing male genitalia in locker rooms were taught to be “intolerant.” CNN should have been dragged over the coal for just that.
Watch the two tangle in the video below:
Obama is a as&&&
Cuomo you are loose as a goose. Brainless
Cuomo is an arrogant, lying, treasonous dung ball with the IQ of a single cell ameba.
Just another wortless asshole
CNN sucks
Isn’t true that Chris Cuomo is under investigation for child porn videos