Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban stated that when he talked on the phone Ahmed Mohamed, the clock/bomb boy, he could tell that Ahmed’s sister was “giving him the answer” on Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time.”
Cuban said, “I talked to the kid, he’s from Dallas, and I’ve talked to the people in the school district. The kid is super smart kid, science geek. We talked about science, but while I’m talking to him on the phone, as I ask him a question, ‘Tell me what happened,’ because I’m curious, right? His sister, over his shoulder, you could hear, listening to the question, giving him the answer. More of Ahmed’s whispered answers on the next page:
Mark Cuban has a different take on Ahmed:
Cuban said Mohamed is a “great kid,”
“So I talked to the people in Irving, Texas, that work with people at MacArthur, the school. And I said, ‘What happened? What did you hear?’ This is, again, secondhand. He said, the kid, Ahmed, took the clock, put it in the first class. Teacher said, ‘Great. Looks great. It looks great.’ Kid picks it up, takes it to the second class. Teacher said, ‘Okay, whatever. It’s great. It’s great.’ Ahmed didn’t really comment, from what I heard. Takes it to the third class, same thing. Then he got to a point, again, secondhand, where one of the teachers, an English teacher, apparently, said, ‘Look, you’ve got to put it in your backpack, because it’s going to make some people nervous, and it’s making me nervous.’ And again, secondhand, he didn’t — he wasn’t responsive to it at all. And so, it took six classes before anything happened.”
Source: Breitbart
Cuban noted Mohamed shouldn’t have been arrested, and that he “came out way ahead” due to the offers he has gotten since, and agreed with Maher that Muslims face worse atrocities in the Muslim world that should get more attention.
This was all another Hollyweird attention, production just like all the other c**p on the media these days. To make us have sympathies for muslims. They bought the clock (not make) & put it in a briefcase? The boys dad is muslim activist smh gmab
If she would have taken it they would have had the same poor discriminated muslim outcome. It was a set up! Wake up people?
First if it was just a clock why put it in a brief case…..it makes no sense….it was a cou t down clock at that….the kid shouldve known better and whats the science behinde it…nothing….the kid got what he deserved….it was a empty shell for a real bomb….we should FBI his whole family at this point
SHOULD TAKE OUT THE ENTIRE FAMILY before they have a chance to bomb anyone. Timers for IED Clock suitcase bomb our pressure cooker as I said they teach bomb making to their kids. This is the important part the timer just plug in the detonator and plastics is the easy part.
Look why is it that this Muslim kid built the timer for an IED. This isn’t the clock a normal red blooded child would build to simulate a suitcase bomb and used in a pressure cooker. This isn’t Islamophobia. Why President Obama? Trying too promote this as Islamophobia must be too weaken safety and security by putting doubt in public / peoples mind and question their self on security safety. this is a child that love you so much that he wants to mount you head on his wall. American don’t seem to understand this because they don’t seem too have loyalty to anything. Muslims are thought too hate to the bone too kill you their first words are kill infidels it is that bed. (until American truly understand this their never going to be safe from radical Islam terrorist…..
in 1801 MUSLIM AMBASSADOR ABD AL-RAHMAN Statement from Quran: ((((((((“it was written in the Qur’an, that all Nations who should not have acknowledged the authority of Muhammad were sinners, that it was the right and duty of every Muslim to make war upon non-Muslims they could find and to make Slaves of all they could take as prisoners, and that every Muslim who should be slain in battle was believed to go to Paradise.”)))))))
Awww I sence butt hurt! But anyway I like screwing with people when I am bored. Thank you for playing back with me. Some get pissed off and stupid. At least you play back ..
The whole family is quilty of a scam and crying racism, alot of us see right thru this , it didn’t work for me I have no sympathy for this muslim boy or his parents as they go smiling all the way to thier lawyer and then off to the rainbow house.
Just grooming for the real bomb making one of the sleeping cell families.
get rid of all muslims in the USA ……………..
Was a “set-up” to complain police weere profiling ! Yet how many American kids for showing finger gun get suspended, and arrested.
I knew it was a scam from the start.