In a case of blatant liberal censorship, Woodbury High School in Connecticut is blocking conservative sites, such as GOP sites, NRA, Christian sites, etc., but not blocking sites such as Democratic, Anti-gun sites, Pro-choice and Muslim sites, etc.
How many schools is this happening in across America?
While we all know the educational system slants left, this is outright authoritarian.
So home school – too bad we can’t trust our educators or our politicians these days!
That’s illegal
Communist run school.
That is bull $#%&!@* they are big cowards afraid of what
Democratic libtards what to control every aspect of your life that’s what they do….they want you to be stupid and oblivious, do they run the country how they want….if you guys haven’t figured that out by now we are in trouble….liberalism is a mental disease that can be cured by culling from the herd
This is why I home school.
It’s time to sue the schools closed! No taxpayer-OWNED school has the authority to decide what can and can not be viewed by a citizen!
Taxpayer property does not get controlled by some employee. WE THE PEOPLE do in FACT, own EVERYTHING this nation has, down to the last pebble on the shoulder of a barren road! NOTHING is owned by government!
P**s on them I don’t won’t on their site noway