Late night TV programming has long been a way for politicians to shed their serious facade and show Americans the lighter sides of their personality. Ted Cruz obviously knows this, as he booked himself a spot on Jimmy Kimmel Live! to try to brighten his often unappealingly austere persona.
He did so by joking about killing Donald Trump.
Yeah, apparently Ted Cruz’s idea of a lighthearted joke is a hearty dose of vehicular manslaughter — not exactly well thought-out PR for a man constantly battling Internet rumors that he is the Zodiac Killer.
Still, Donald Trump is just about the only public figure about you can joke about killing on national television and get away with it. Heck, at this point it seems as if the mainstream media is practically begging for it. Anything that vilifies Trump is headline worthy to the folks at CNN.
To see Ted Cruz’s failed attempt at lighthearted humor, continue reading on the next page:
Hillary Clinton claims to be Christian. Barack Obama claims to be a Christian. And I am claiming to be a brain surgeon! Any takers?
You see just saying, “I am a brain surgeon,” doesn’t mean I can perform brain surgery. I would need to back it up with a diploma and years of training. In the same way, no American will get elected president claiming, “The Bible is outdated, it’s just a bunch of stories. I am a humanistic socialist at heart!” Sure the left will have no problem with that, but you can’t win without independents. So the candidates claim to be Christian—despite having very unchristian positions.
However in a day where anti-biblical behavior is celebrated, where Bruce Jenner is called a hero (not for winning the decathlon, but for identifying as a woman), it is only a matter of time before politicians began to boldly speak against the Bible.
Hillary Clinton is testing the waters. It is one thing to take anti-biblical positions, but to publicly call Americans to forsake the Bible is too much. Giving an address at the Women in the World Summit last week, she made this statement:
Far too many women are denied access to reproductive health care and safe childbirth, and laws don’t count for much if they’re not enforced. Rights have to exist in practice—not just on paper. Laws have to be backed up with resources and political will. And deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed.
It used to be, you were considered compassionate, caring and humble to embrace the values of the Bible. Now you are the enemy … according to Secretary Clinton and President Obama. It is only going to get worse.
The way all politicians have treated Trump and joked about killing him and stabbing him should tell any American what is at stake and who these people really are ………… He is the only non establishment, Rino, communists, socialist, progressive or so called democrat. He is a threat because he will undo decades of harm to this country that almost all politicians have been involved in and want to continue to inflict on us ALL no matter who you stand for.
Cruz is a corrupt sneaky slimy snake and nothing but a manipulator!!! He was on the legal team that was involved in the election FRAUD of George W. BUSH!! He has repeated lies and he threw Ben Carson and Marco Rubio under the bus early in the campaign!!! He wants no borders, he wants Canada, Mexico and the United States to be one nation!!! Listen up folks and spread this!! Extremely important!! The information contained in these 2 videos is what the political and global elites have in plan for America, no more middle-class just the elite and the poor!!! We will lose our Freedom as we know it!!! They want to turn Canada, Mexico and the United States into the North American Union with no borders. This is why they are so opposed to Trump’s plan to build the wall. They want a one world government. Also called the New World Order!!!Ted Cruz and his wife, Heidi, play a HUGE part in this plan, and Obama has already had a meeting with the Mexican government on this!!! Video one explains Cruz’s part. Trump is aware of this and this is why he runs for POTUS. Wake up Americans, watch these 2 videos and share this post, before it is too late
Trump the only choice
oh come on folks,,it was a JOKE!! grow up!
Cruz is a scary idividual! Liar, Cheater, extra marital affairs and he is no match for Donald Trump but finds it hard to accept it.
Oh this is just fuckin stupid,but people will support a man who says he could stand on 5th ave in NY and shoot people dead and not loose any voters,oh no outrage there right?so stick it up your$#%&!@*
If I joked about that I would have special agents of the secret service at my door. He gets laughs and votes what the$#%&!@*
Says the guy who calls Trump out on hatefull retoric.