This election cycle, whether one has a horse in the race or not, is quite compelling. The fireworks provided by Trump and his bombastic campaigning and Cruz’ alleged delegate pilfering, not to mention Kasich’s refusal to see the handwriting on the wall, has made this season much like a train wreck, where one just can’t look away.
Perhaps, because of the Trump phenomenon, people are paying more attention than ever before regarding the election process and are being educated about what could happen should a brokered convention occur. However, should long standing primary and caucus rules, put in place at the state level, be changed because the tightness of the race is making that the candidates cry “unfair”?
The controversy in Colorado over Cruz’ victory stems from a vote to squash an initiative that would bring the state primary back, allowing Coloradans to vote. Instead the state still uses the caucus system to select the candidate.
Truth and Action quipped, “Strange things are afoot in the Colorado election process, with Cruz delegates, voting to crush an initiative that would have allowed Coloradans the ability to vote in a state primary. Why would the sponsor of the bill, Sen. Kevin Grantham, vote against it?
“The caucuses guarantee lackluster voter participation and the disproportionate influence of activists on both ends of the political spectrum who are not representative of the parties’ mainstream. Some romanticize the caucus system as the purest form of grass-roots democracy, but that’s only accurate if your idea of democracy involves excruciatingly low turnout — by design.”
Now Missouri is under the microscope regarding delegate selection and some Republicans are complaining about the process. Read about it on the next page.
Cruz is running to fulfill his Seven Mountains of Dominionism dream. He want to dominate the seven areas and politics is just one mountain. It is NWO repackaged for Christians. His father has made him an annointed king to dominate. Scary stuff folks!
I will not ever believe he is natural born unless I see his naturalization records or USA birth certificate. His records are sealed so he must have something to hide.
Crybaby Trump doesn’t know how to manage a campaign, so he claims everyone else cheated. Sounds presidential to his supporters? Of course he does , they also think we live in a democracy.
Cruz needs to be stopped
This is not Ted Cruz’s fault. As an employee of Goldman Sachs he has to do what the boss tells him to do.
A rat is a rat. Can’t change it
Why the$#%&!@*is breitbart supporting that classless clownshow fool trump? my god wake up you dumbfuck fools…do you actually want that vile corrupt woman to win?
Sorry to let you in on this but Cruz isn’t “stealing” any delegates. He understands how the delegate system works and is working within the confines of the electoral system. Trump was not prepared/ capable to do do the same.
You can detest the guy all you like but think about why. Are you listening to Trump and his accusations? “Dirty tricks” and all?
Look at the FACTS and any accusations of Cruz lying are fraught with assumption and motive.
There are many accusations against Trump that have evidence to back them up. Trump is due in court because of a class action lawsuit for Trump University! Trump is the liar and thete ate facts to back that up. “I’m self funded he says”… LIE – Proven fact… I could go on but don’t have time right now and frankly doubt you’d care.
Whats new,
Old Teddie at it again.