This election cycle, whether one has a horse in the race or not, is quite compelling. The fireworks provided by Trump and his bombastic campaigning and Cruz’ alleged delegate pilfering, not to mention Kasich’s refusal to see the handwriting on the wall, has made this season much like a train wreck, where one just can’t look away.
Perhaps, because of the Trump phenomenon, people are paying more attention than ever before regarding the election process and are being educated about what could happen should a brokered convention occur. However, should long standing primary and caucus rules, put in place at the state level, be changed because the tightness of the race is making that the candidates cry “unfair”?
The controversy in Colorado over Cruz’ victory stems from a vote to squash an initiative that would bring the state primary back, allowing Coloradans to vote. Instead the state still uses the caucus system to select the candidate.
Truth and Action quipped, “Strange things are afoot in the Colorado election process, with Cruz delegates, voting to crush an initiative that would have allowed Coloradans the ability to vote in a state primary. Why would the sponsor of the bill, Sen. Kevin Grantham, vote against it?
“The caucuses guarantee lackluster voter participation and the disproportionate influence of activists on both ends of the political spectrum who are not representative of the parties’ mainstream. Some romanticize the caucus system as the purest form of grass-roots democracy, but that’s only accurate if your idea of democracy involves excruciatingly low turnout — by design.”
Now Missouri is under the microscope regarding delegate selection and some Republicans are complaining about the process. Read about it on the next page.
Same c**p different day
I think her lately people are finely seeing Cruz for who he is. They showed him speaking to a group in Philadelphia and there might have been 150 in the audience. One guy said he got there 10 minutes before it started and sat on the second row. Not a good sign for Cruz.
Ignorant scum bag . Thief and coward . We can no more trust him than Ovomit or killery
There are many many other reasons not to vote for Cruz, but he isn’t Canadian, not even close. He was born in Canada, and is now a USA citizen. You can debate your definition of natural citizen and all that, but don’t be a liar and say he’s Canadian. It weakens all the other valid arguments. The child of an American and a Cuban, born while one parent was working for an American oil company briefly in Canada, who grew from 4 yrs old on as a legal American, cannot, by a sane person be called a Canadian. As a dual national living in Canada, I happily admit that neither side of the border wants him but one of them legally accepted him. That’s the USA.
Cruz needs voted out with the rest of the rinos
Ain’t gonna work you ninnies.
The question about his citizenship is his mother was a Canadian citizen. Yes she waqs a natural born American, but she Took up Canadian citizenship and voted in their election process, so the question would be, was she a dual citizen, or Canadian at the time of his birth?
Cruz is a loser. If he does this to get votes just what kind of President do you think he will be?
Gee, he sounds just like the establishment instead of an “outsider”. Ever think that the reason no one had anyone to do with him in Congress was not because of his political views but no one liked him because he was an absolute lying jerk.
Tuesday will be a big day for Trump… Cruz and Kasich need to go home and support the voters. All the elites would be wise to side with the peoples choice…. it is clear. Vote for Donald Trump.