As a citizen did you ever expect to see a whole list of your President’s faults? Well the day has come that we can look upon such a compilation. Republican Senator Ted Cruz of Texas set out to speak the truth. He wrote out a list of 76 ways that President Obama has abused his power given to him by the people via what he calls ‘lawless’ actions and the list is astonishing:
Check out these lawless actions he’s compiled on the NEXT PAGE:
So why haven’t these spineless GOPers had him impeached!
I told the Donald to beef up his security STAT.
They can but they don’t just BS from the Washington Cartel to keep us thinking someone gives a sh*t…Do something then instead of BS us all into thinking you are.
Stop talking about it AND DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!
Trump/Cruz and the Democrats lose….got it?
It takes more than just one Congressman to impeach or make a great impact on our laws. But if each one lives up to the electorate’s desire….Obama and his bunch would now be in jail. That means the majority of them are yellow bellied do nothing liars. Only a hand full have the nerve, or courage, to speak the truth and to vote the way their cons$#%&!@*uents want them to. Trump will be one and I believe Cruz will be one. As President and Vice President they present a formbidable team.
I don’t think Trump would be interested in VP, but who knows. Cruz did admit that they had a good relationship and had met on several occasions lately. They kept pushing asking “Was a deal made between u two” Finally, just seeming disgusted, as he should be he said NO, no deal has been made or was discussed. Cruz was just smart enough to see the writing on the wall and didn’t come out taking swipes at Trump.
So when are you really going to do something instead of talking.
then if congress has all this proof about obama’s lawless than why don’t you impeach him you try to impeach nixon and clinton for less you have more on obama then you did on clinton and nixon together so impeach obama now with no government benefits for except prision term or exile him to antartica