As a citizen did you ever expect to see a whole list of your President’s faults? Well the day has come that we can look upon such a compilation. Republican Senator Ted Cruz of Texas set out to speak the truth. He wrote out a list of 76 ways that President Obama has abused his power given to him by the people via what he calls ‘lawless’ actions and the list is astonishing:
Check out these lawless actions he’s compiled on the NEXT PAGE:
Then Mr Ted Cruz please inform the public have or ask Ted Cruz this question for me please, the question is why does Congress impeach an arrest Obama and his administration ? why they continue to allow him to cause other hell and chaos in this nation when they know he’s guilty of crimes against it what is going on in Congress why aren’t they stopping him?
Yet No one does a God dam thing about it !!!!!!
@[214488188596423:274:Impeach Obama]
I also hate Obama, but I’m too old to do anything, but I see a lot of younger people talk about doing stuff. If you are going to talk the talk, then walk the walk.
do not talk about what laws he has broken UNLESS YOU DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT…SHUT UP OR PUT UP
quit talking about his lawlessness and DO SOMETHING ABOUT…SHUT UP OR PUT UP
You go Ted!
crazy comment
Listing them isn’t impeaching him & throwing his administration in prison for treason which is punishable by death. Which should happen & do an old fashion hanging on the White House lawn for the American public to watch. Hell make it a pay per view event