There are those who believe that disbarment for a lawyer is a virtual death sentence. It disenables that person from ever practicing law in any state in the US. Similar in scope to disallowing someone from the further practice of medicine if they lose their license, this ability by a review board process to take remove someone’s livelihood for which they presumably paid a lot of money to do (college, technical studies, advanced studies, doctorate, Ph.D., etc.). It is a big deal.
However, for the powerful people, it is not so much of a huge deal. The people who have money, power and influence are pretty much unaffected by the removal of their licenses. Take the Clintons for instance. They both have had their licenses revoked; Bill for his committing perjury regarding Monica Lewinsky and Hillary because she did not meet the education requirements that blocked her from advancement. Did either one of these individuals lose their ability to rake in millions from foreign business ventures, hobnobbing with power foreign leaders and building up quite a financial nest egg in the Clinton Foundation? How about their abilities to move past their loss of licenses to affect Congressional legislation that assisted both themselves and friends with valuable money-making opportunities in both hedge funds, foundations and Wall Street trading.
Now, a Maryland lawyer is pushing to have another prominent government official lose his license for what he calls a “serious breach of the American people’s trust!” Queue the push to disbar James B Comey! Move to the next page:
He should and on top of that convince congress to indict him fore Treason!
Hope it happens!!!
Send Trump’s two$#%&!@*sons to Afghanistan
Hey Mary you better hope he doesn’t get shot in the$#%&!@*that would be a head shot for you
Russia was hacking military in 2015…fbi told no one….theres mueller for you and obama…
He should be in prison !!
Poor orange guy all scared and lonely
soros trolls Mar 28, 2016 – Back in February, the former Secretary of State under Bill Clinton said “there’s a special place in hell” for women who do not vote for Hillary …
Soros, Albright, Rothschild In $350M Deal | Institutional Investor’s Alpha…/Soros-Albright-Rothschild-In-350M-Deal.htm...
Nov 30, 2009 – U.S. hedge fund manager, George Soros, has tied up with Madeline Albright and Jacob Rothschild, to set up a company which will build mobile …
APR Energy sold to British company for $855M – Jacksonville …
Jun 14, 2011 – Current shareholders will own 59 percent of the new company, Albright and Soros will own 14 percent and 13 percent respectively, and APR …… George Soros and the Effort to Radically Change America – Kindle edition by … Soros agenda is critical for understanding and defeating the Obama agenda, …
Hillary Clinton embraces George Soros’ ‘radical’ vision of open-border ……/hillary-clinton-embraces-george-soros-radical-vi…
Oct 20, 2016 – The Hillary Clinton-George Soros symbiosis came into clearer focus this … The phrase “American exceptionalism” is not part of his agenda.
George Soros rises again – POLITICO
Jul 27, 2016 – FEC records also show Soros gave $2 million to American Bridge 21st … Additionally, though Soros backed Barack Obama over Clinton in the …
Hillary and the Soros Agenda – American Center for Democracy
Aug 28, 2016 – Because “Obama has the charisma and the vision to radically reorient America in the world,” Soros told Judy Woodruff in May 2008.” But once …
Hacked Docs Expose Soros-Obama-UN Refugee … – The New American…/23893-hacked-docs-expose-soros-obama-un-ref…
Aug 19, 2016 – It is alarming because the radical “migration rights” agenda of the Soros network is being translated into official policy, nationally and globally.
Anyone remember typing class. Practicing this phrase,
Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country. Well now is the time for all good men in gov. To do the right thing Dem. Or republican come clean. And come to the aid of their country. Wouldn’t be surprised if the one who spills the beans gets a pretty good deal. Because this is such a huge corruption in the Dem. Party and rhinos. For the safety. Spill the beans privately to the president under oath first. Don’t go to the press. That way Clinton’s and Obama will have nothing left to take them down for. Get the message out there so it would be pointless to kill the messenger. It would be to late. They will have much more to worry about.
The Bar Association should of already reviewing , Comey, Clinton’s, Obama’s, any other high profile position holder!!
Ethics committee..
what Good is the Bar Association if they turn the other way ??