The progressive habit of labeling every human quirk or behavioral predilection as a “disease” or a “disorder” often gives license to those who should modify their behavior, but instead explain it away as something they have no control over. It is not uncommon for someone with a hot temper to explain away their unacceptable outbursts with the explanation that they were just “born that way,” when in fact it is part of the human challenge to control our impulses and to “civilize” ourselves so that we meet the standards of a polite society.
There are times, however, when recognizing a “condition” may be necessary in order to manage it, whether we believe it is a true condition a person was “born” with, or simply an impulse that the person refuses to modify or stifle.
According to one criminal psychologist, paedophilia, or sexual attraction to children, is an “orientation” that child sexual abusers are born with, and cannot change. The proposition is offensive since it diminishes personal responsibility and would seem to classify the rape of a child along with the so-called ‘orientation’.
Is paedophilia controllable, page 2:
OMG!……there are no words! God have Mercy!
He is right it is a sexual orientation just like homosexuality, but it is not normal and it is not a normal human experience! Just like homosexuality, it is a sin and a abomination to the Lord and it destroys children’s lives! that’s why they cannot be rehabilitated! To act on your sexual lusts you are raping a child and it is forbidden in society and scripture! (Except Islam)! There is no rehabilitation for this! They must be castrated and remain in prison! Only Christ can free you of your lustful desires!!!
B******t. It’s an excuse to keep it going. Seen this coming. Kill them all.
Shame. God will strike it down
No, it’s a mental disorder like being autistic or gay.
It’s called hideous sin!
No it isn’t you fucking idiot!
No it’s not…just another crazy trying to say it’s ok WHEN IT IS NOT! Don’t care what kind of degree he has…he’s a pervert himself.
Treatment to me is a 6 inch hole right between their eyes! I’m sick of all these so called experts and the vomit that they spew!!! Im 65 and it is still painful for me to listen to this garbage!