The progressive habit of labeling every human quirk or behavioral predilection as a “disease” or a “disorder” often gives license to those who should modify their behavior, but instead explain it away as something they have no control over. It is not uncommon for someone with a hot temper to explain away their unacceptable outbursts with the explanation that they were just “born that way,” when in fact it is part of the human challenge to control our impulses and to “civilize” ourselves so that we meet the standards of a polite society.
There are times, however, when recognizing a “condition” may be necessary in order to manage it, whether we believe it is a true condition a person was “born” with, or simply an impulse that the person refuses to modify or stifle.
According to one criminal psychologist, paedophilia, or sexual attraction to children, is an “orientation” that child sexual abusers are born with, and cannot change. The proposition is offensive since it diminishes personal responsibility and would seem to classify the rape of a child along with the so-called ‘orientation’.
Is paedophilia controllable, page 2:
Conservative Christians warned years ago of the “slippery slope” when wandering away from traditional values. We were told that certain things would never ever happen, but they are all happening. Next it will be normalizing relations with animals! After all, isn’t even THAT just an orientation too? We are well past “enough is enough” already!
California has already legalized child prostitution. Why not ? Right? This is the end result of liberalism. If it feels good, just do it. This is the result of the “Progressive Movement”, Hollywood, the Democrat Party. Welcome to the country that they’ve created.
It is a sickness from the pits of hell and pedophiles should be destroyed like rabid dogs.
What is this world coming to?
No no no no
I don’t care what you call it It’s sick
NO it isn’t!!! it is a sick twisted mind and the ones that have this “sickness” should be put to death!!