Birmingham, AL was chosen as one of 6 cities the federal government piloted a program aimed at nationalizing local and state law enforcement agencies. Supposedly an initiative to ‘build community trust’ between citizens and law enforcement, this takeover follows the established Marxist pattern of cloaking despotism within a faux security blanket.
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Of course there isn’t going to be an announcement!
Is this the takeover of states rights?
@[1493618168:2048:Leon], didn’t I mention something about this the other day?
just go shopping bozo
I did, thanks.. the wonderful folks following Fox were happy to help
Interesting locations..
North, South, East and West.
God help us.
The “government” wants to Federalize everything. Byp$#%&!@*ing individual states makes the job easier. Keep giving local law enforcement Federal money, making advancing stipulations on reception of this money/equipment, in a little while, voila! Total control. But, Ferguson, MO, showed Feds that the locals not TOTALLY prepared for “turn-over”….. Could be a problem for SS Feds… C
Exactly what Obama rock wants unrest Civil War doing call Marshall Law better yet let’s flood Democrats and Republicans lines in Washington DC Democrats 202-863-8000 Democrats 202-863-8500 flood Washington with calls until we get him at office.
This is how all tyrants begin their power grab.
“Agenda 21” look it up.