Birmingham, AL was chosen as one of 6 cities the federal government piloted a program aimed at nationalizing local and state law enforcement agencies. Supposedly an initiative to ‘build community trust’ between citizens and law enforcement, this takeover follows the established Marxist pattern of cloaking despotism within a faux security blanket.
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Will not comply going down fighting
The fed must be stopped.
Smokescreen for more corrupt gov actions.. no one buys your reasoning.. liers
I would hide my face too if I were shaming myself.
Why wear a mask or are you ashamed of what your doing.
This goverment is up to no good, wake up America.
with over half the U.S. aiding our enemy, the U.S. will be a muslim nation in six months
States rights under $#%&!@*ault.
This must be stopped or there will be a Revolution.Congress needs to do something immediately before our Country is destroyed.
Locked loaded,, Alarm motion detection & night Vision,!!!! Mite go buy not ALONE!!!!!!!