Birmingham, AL was chosen as one of 6 cities the federal government piloted a program aimed at nationalizing local and state law enforcement agencies. Supposedly an initiative to ‘build community trust’ between citizens and law enforcement, this takeover follows the established Marxist pattern of cloaking despotism within a faux security blanket.
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The beginnings of a civil or Revolutionary War
Bring it
Why do our ” locals” have to cover their face ?
The same federal government doing tax fraud and theft for profits by a open border war on terror,war on drugs,prohibition,and that by laws allow confiscation,forfeiture,search n seizure,execution of unarmed citizens,cages for cash by tax dollars for their free slavery they are taking over the local,county,and state police with their police slavery?
It’s not going to be a walk in the park boys
step by step Obama is bringing about Martial Law
don’t let this happen just think of Germany and the $#%&!@* thugs.
No worse then the local thugs behind the badge except for being better trained and a higher IQ
Right out of the Marxist socialist playbook.
How many believe this is for the good of the people?
I know I know….too many and this is why it will continue. Funny how after Obama became President how divided this country became. Sad to see it happening.