For young people, college is a time of expanding your mind to new ideas and philosophies, it shapes who you are as you journey into adulthood. It’s a time of deciding what you agree or disagree with and to let your voice be heard in debates that range from politics to the difference between light and dark beer. But what would happen if those voices were silenced? In a yearly free speech review of the nation’s universities, it was discovered that nearly 55 percent of the 437 universities analyzed are restricting free speech.
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Radicals Pigs Should be Stop !
Totally unconscionable!
College doesn’t make you a citizen or worthy of leadership all citizens from all walks of life should and will be heard and considered in this free nation !
Paint the lips purple and “poof” well have Obama!
Muslims hate free speech. They have come to colonize and conquer. They have come to kill infidels who disagree. Islam is a murderous CULT, not a religion.