Gun violence is perpetrated by those do not follow the laws already in place and removing this emoji from their phones will not correct their behavior.
The infringement on the First Amendment by removing an emoji that represents the Second Amendment is ludicrous. The group desires to use their free speech, in the form of a tweet #DisarmTheiPhone, to garner the attention of Tim Cook, CEO of Apple. Their aim, according to Leah Gunn Barrett, Executive Director of NYAGV, is to “publicly join our call for universal background checks on all gun sales.” Maybe we can just get background checks so we can keep the gun emoji on our iPhones.
The gun emoji, a according to NYAGV, has “become rooted in our culture and digital age and must be “disarmed””. The fact that the emoji has never killed anyone should be part of the discussion.
The activists encourage people to tweet at Apple’s CEO and ask for the gun emoji to be removed, using the hashtag #DisarmTheiPhone. However, Fast Company cautions, “If a company like Apple removes words from that language, even if they’re technically pictures, isn’t it censorship? How far does this linguistic adjustment go? If we type the letters G-U-N should they be autocorrected to S-U-N, P-U-N, or F-U-N?” Well? Jeva Lange
Read more about disarmament here.
This is the kind of gun dr. Palmer should have used on the lion !!!
Liberals probably want to change it to a tampon emoji
Stupid liberals….naturally it doesn’t make sense.
Mine is acting crazy
I agree to that
They need to get a F in life. Tired of people telling me what I can and can’t do.