Opinions about Edward Snowden and whistleblowers in general do not fall along traditional party lines and a debate at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) on Friday is a great example of the division. Representing one side, constitutional attorney Bruce Fein applauded Snowden’s actions, while Jim Gilmore, ex-governor of Virginia called him a “traitor”.
Fein received decent applause. Gilmore got a light applause but even more boos.Fein said Americans were outraged by Snowden’s revelations about the National Security Agency’s controversial metadata collection program, something the agency intended to keep “secret from the American people forever.” Fein portrayed Snowden as a sympathetic figure willing to break the law for the higher purpose of showing Americans what they’re government was doing to them.
Gilmore held up a New York Post from June featuring Snowden and Russian President Vladmir Putin featuring the headline “comrades,” and blasted the whistleblower as a “traitor,” a “coward” and someone who gives “aid and comfort” to America’s enemies.
Fein pointed out that the United States government had not charged Snowden with treason and that when Director of Intelligence James Clapper was asked by Congress if the NSA was spying on every American citizen, Wyden answered no. “In a democracy people have a right to know what their government is doing” said Fein, adding “The American people have forced changes… only because of Mr. Snowden’s revelations.”
What’s your opinion on Snowden? Do you believe he revealed NSA documents as he did in order to help the enemies of America? Or to throw the spotlight on the corruption within?
Constitutional Attorney Bruce Fein – Photo by Gage Skidmore
Source: Rare
Photo: Rare
When you really think about it this Pres. was doing things like Adolf.
Our politics made a patriot to be considered a traitor under the law because there is no whistle blower protection concerning classified intel. There are also not enough checks against a president’s misuse of the power to classify information, especially if it is to cover up unconstitutional activity.
He is a man who violated the secrecy agreements he signed both in the military and as a contractor. He should have called his congressman and reported the abuse of power within the NSA. Instead he performed an act of espionage which made him an international criminal. America charged an FBI agent with espionage, for feeding information to the USSR for twenty years. Tried and convicted him. Whatever his motives were, he committed numerous leaks of classified information and for that he made himself a fugitive. Interpol is also looking hard at him.
Patriots face the music; not run away and hide. See Nathan Hale.
I think if anyone should get the Nobal Peace Prize it should be Edward Snowdon, not that lying ,traitor from the Muslim Brotherhood Barry Obama still trying to figure out why he got it in the first place what the hell did he do to deserve getting one in the first place they should ask for it back and just say it was all a real big mistake in the first place.
If any honest person was running the department,they would not judge others by their own actions. What does that tell about the ones that are leading our once great nation?