“Covfefe” Definition Found! Refers to: The State of Leftist Lunacy

When President Donald Trump speaks (or in this case, tweets) the world of the Leftist listens (or reads).  Not because they are interested in hearing what he has to say…oh no.  Not because the substance of what he tweets matters to them either.  Because it certainly doesn’t.  And not that I blame them.  Most of what Trump tweets is just more chatter-meat for the loyal masses.

More than that, though, Trump knows how to draw unsuspecting wittle Weftist wabbits into the trap of talking about him and not having the time to do a little light protesting, rioting or boycotting.  It’s brilliant, actually.  Liberals are so frothy-spittle-laden whenever he dares to utter a single tweet or soundbite that they cease thinking straight, all the pathways of the synapses to their brains completely cut off, as if Trump himself had constructed some sort of wall in the vascular reaches of their minds.  And as the cerebrospinal fluids are spilling from their ears and blood is shooting from their eyeballs, they launch into uncontrollable tirades of indefensible behavior, like threatening to blow up the White House, or calling a 10-year-old boy a future rapist, or demeaning jokes about incest, or any number of body-shaming jokes about he, his wife, his children or even his gardener.

Take his tiny little tweet a couple of days ago, “Despite the constant negative press covfefe.”  This tiny little tweet, a single 6-word incomplete statement, OBVIOUSLY auto-completed by his phone, and most likely the word “coverage” to follow the words “negative press” (because when does anyone ever link the words “negative press” with “coveralls?”) and the entire Liberal Kingdom comes unhinged and EVEN three-time loser Hillary joins in on the kerfuffle!  It’s really the equivalent of Muhammad Saeed al-Sahhaf telling Tokyo Rose that she’s a liar.

Speaking of which, Rosie O’Donnell also decided that her career wasn’t quite buried far enough under the Meadowlands swamps when she opted to also try her hand at humor.

In doing a bit of research, and after applying the logic that she too may have inadvertently been an unsuspecting victim of the auto-complete software, I have concluded that she is quite concerned about the state of her health, the term “vasweiwei” possibly being a reference to her vascular problems and weight-weight. Not sure why it would be listed twice, though.

Jimmy Kimmel as well, stinging from the Liberal backlash and rebuke of fellow comedians that he took it easy on Trump last year, was required by his new contract to bash Trump at least every other hour.

P.S. Jimmy…I’m am behind you 100%. You will never write anything funnier.

We cannot forget Kentucky Fried Chicken for its memorable buy-in to the “covfefe” fever:

As well, Merriam-Webster also from its very lofty perch of untouchable wisdom and omniscience, deigned to step out onto the balcony of “funny” and tweet a bit of anti-Trump rhetoric, proving that even it is not above pettiness.


Jackie Gingrich Cushman had a very insightful approach to this feeding frenzy as well:

Think of this coverage as Newsy. Real news carries real information that is new and relevant. Newsy is more — well, news infotainment.

While covfefe was trending, real news was more than likely overlooked by the majority of the population. Just ask people you come in contact with during the coming week. Were they aware of Trump’s covfefe tweet, and have they heard of [any other] newsworthy events[?]”

Finally, there’s the newest discovery that Trump’s “covfefe” is apparently an Arabic phrase.  When plugged into Google Translate, it means, “I will stand up.”  Makeameme.org even claims you can listen to the term in Arabic.

covfefe meme

It is a refreshing thing nevertheless to provide Liberals with endless new ways for them to take up their time with frivolous undertakings and fruitless stabs at humor and one-liners.  I think it’s extremely important for Trump to continue to allow strange and not-quite-definable words to infect his tweets.  It will, as I said before, keep the Leftists at the keyboards, rather than remaining in their parents’ basements concocting Molotov cocktails from used soy milk containers.

I, myself, will continue to wonder, on the other hand, if this snow in Alaska is ever going to melt.

Source:  Fox News / Townhall / TruthUncensored / Makeameme.org



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