NBC says that the Clinton and Lewinsky affair is alleged! Irregardless of confession by said perpetrator, Bill Clinton, “The Today’s Show’s” Savannah Guthrie declared in an interview with Trump that this well documented affair was just an allegation.
Trump, in his trumpy fashion, immediately jumped on this false claim, saying, ““Is it alleged? I don’t think that’s alleged!” to which Guthrie had to back pedal and agree that is was not alleged as Bill had admitted it. Trump again pounced telling Guthrie how to better do her job saying, “If he’s admitted it, you don’t have to use the word alleged.”
NBC is Clinton’s personal television station and will do whatever it takes to get their Queen elected. Journalism is dead at NBC, only partisan politics and bedfellows are players in their game.
On the next page read more about Trump’s collaring of the NBC talk show and their cover-up.
Bill is still At IT
Liberal news media lies liberalism is destroying our Country.
The Clinton liars
Can’t trust anything what NBC reports except for the weather .
ticle III, section 3 of the Constitution “Any person who levies War against the United States or adheres to its enemies by giving them Aid and Comfort has committed treason within the meaning of the Constitution. The term aid and comfort refers to any act that manifests a betrayal of allegiance to the United States, such as furnishing enemies with Arms, Troops, Transportation, Shelter, or Classified Information. If a subversive act has any tendency to weaken the power of the United States to attack or resist its enemies, aid and comfort has been given.”
Under such Hillary and Obama has committed such with Benghazi, supplying arms to what is now ISIS.
Hillary has compromised classified information.
The Iran Deal has a subversive act of weakening the power of the United States.
The firing of long standing generals who oppose Obama’s leadership is weakening the power of the United States.
Anyone who supports the Iran deal are also in contempt of this provision in the constitution.
The President undermining and allowing illegal aliens in this country, has allowed criminals in this country, including ISIS members with oncoming ‘refugees’ and open borders…providing aid and comfort to these people. Clinton and Bernie sanders on National Television stated they want to give aid, free housing, free college to these illegal aliens and refugees. Such is all considered treasonous under our constitution for undermining the safety of this country and its citizens. The current Admin including but not limited to Mrs. Clinton have completely failed the American people applicable to the oath they swore to uphold. “TREASON”
“Alleged”, WOW, what more proof do you need.
It was not just alleged – there was a full page in the LA Times with gory details!
NBC no credibility
These two people are true democratic liberals, they care nothing about you, only about their self, and we’ll lie to cover up the things they have done, we have had that for seven years now, it’s time to get real and put Donald Trump in office, Donald Trump through 2016
Just like he was allegedly impeached.