NBC says that the Clinton and Lewinsky affair is alleged! Irregardless of confession by said perpetrator, Bill Clinton, “The Today’s Show’s” Savannah Guthrie declared in an interview with Trump that this well documented affair was just an allegation.
Trump, in his trumpy fashion, immediately jumped on this false claim, saying, ““Is it alleged? I don’t think that’s alleged!” to which Guthrie had to back pedal and agree that is was not alleged as Bill had admitted it. Trump again pounced telling Guthrie how to better do her job saying, “If he’s admitted it, you don’t have to use the word alleged.”
NBC is Clinton’s personal television station and will do whatever it takes to get their Queen elected. Journalism is dead at NBC, only partisan politics and bedfellows are players in their game.
On the next page read more about Trump’s collaring of the NBC talk show and their cover-up.
Do these people live here on planet earth.
he raped women just like bill cosby but the only difference is cosby was a pill head but clinton was president he is a low life like his wife
PrisonPrison PrisonPrison PrisonPrison PrisonPrison PrisonPrison
The Cubans escaping Castro would cut their bodies open and sew in Gem stones etc..What is stopping immigration who swallows balloons full of drugs,that shoves balloons and rubbers of it in their body cavities from doing it and even stomach surgery or chest surgery etc implanting high explosive with a timer,or rigged so they can detonate it with a watch etc?Imagine what they could do if pulled over by police,in court houses,in government buildings or meeting,in corporate board of director meetings,in banks,at hospitals,in police stations,at military bases,at media places,at concerts,on luxury cruises,on jets,in University classes,at oil refineries,at chemical plants,The possibilities are endless,if the rig it to explode if x rayed or scanned technology,think tanks,and all others are screwed.Imagine what they can do on new years eve,at malls.Fear is a understatement..
LOL! what a bunch of lying pos!
Yeah..add me so that we can be friends..
AMERICA ONE NATION UNDER GOD!!!!! Trump, Cruz and Carson need to team up to destroy the Republican Establishment down and beat Hillary. Trump as president. He has done more for the economy than Congress, Obama or all the candidates put together. Cruz as VP … He knows Washington and could get the job done in Washington. Carson as HHS Secretary to replace Obamacare and Trey Gowdy as Attorney General! Think about how things would change with a team like that! POWERHOUSE!!!
news people misuse the word “alleged” all the time!
NBC has the “blue dress” blues.