Court Rules TSA ‘Above the Law’, Can’t Be Sued

Court Rules TSA ‘Above the Law’, Can’t Be Sued

At some point in your life, you’ve probably held contempt for the TSA. Well, the situation is about to get even worse.

Despite the claimed necessity of the TSA, it’s easy to dislike the organization, They’re rude, invasive, and sometimes violent. They’re the reason why people miss their flights — and if you mention that you’re running late, they’re likely to work even slower. You’ll also get a lecture.

If that’s not bad enough, TSA agents have also been caught stealing and smuggling cocaine while on the job.

So it’s easy to root against the organization in a court of law — as any of the above crimes are easy fodder for lawsuits.

But don’t get your hopes up. One court thinks they’re simply too important to be subject to the same laws as the rest of us.

See the fascinating ruling on the next page:

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Court Rules TSA ‘Above the Law’, Can’t Be Sued