Using a warped equation regarding the discrimination against Jews and the domestic World War II internment of Japanese-Americans, a federal court opened a door for Muslims to sue the New York Police Department for allegedly spying on Muslim students, businesses, and mosques.
And no, they don’t have to prove spying, just that they have the perception of it. More perception on the next page:
Obama is trying to take over America with mouslims scumbags!
If anyone gets attacked I hope they start with these politicians…
Just know that when something bad happens the police will be ones too take the fall
No this isn’t real is it?
Obama ordered the fbi to do that after he was elected . all others were open game .
I do not spy I exterminate vermine
Let them blow up New York if that’s what they want. You can’t help the helpless.
I really don’t know why they want be cops anymore!
Obama is supposed to defend this country and our way of life, if he’s not up to the job he needs to be taken down. This is America the last time I checked. Not Syria, or any other Muslim country. If you can’t be for us then your against us. Justice will prevail.