Florida’s Third District Court of Appeals has just made a landmark ruling that the Institute for Justice is calling “a major blow to property rights.”
Tom Carroll and Hermine Ricketts, 17-year homeowners, have been fighting the Village of Miami Shores for the last 6 years. The battle ended in a verdict after 3 years but they fought on. It all started back in 2014 when the couple refused to take the “advice” handed down to them by the town officials keen on implementing a new zoning plan.
The homeowners refused to relinquish their constitutionally protected rights. That is when town officials resorted to plan b.
The couple subsequently sued based on a constitutional infringement upon their right to use their own private property as well as a violation of the equal protection clause.
Head on over to the next page to learn about the decision just handed down by Florida’s Third District Court of Appeals in regards to property rights.
Leave my property alone politicians and judges
Obamas lackies suck
Court full of idiots
Kiss my$#%&!@* I own the property, I pay my taxes. I pay your stupid salary. Next election you are out.
I pay the taxes on my property, I’LL DO WHAT I WISH ON MY PROPERTY, PERIOD!
What are you smoking
Wanna Bet.
Oh, that’s because it’s Miami Shores, fruits & veges aren’t pretty enough. And heaven forbid you appear to be financially poor enough to need to grow food. You should buy your organic fruits & veges from the most popular, expensive whole food market in town! I’m sure Bonita Springs & Venice Beach will follow.
Deed restricted to look pretty? They agreed to it when they bought the house.
It’s a HOA, they bought into it. The vegetable garden is allowed in the back yard, but the local snoots think its too ugly for the front.