Assassination Program is Legal
Many would applaud a program that can reach, find, and destroy terrorists who would harm us and then find refuge in a safe location such as the Middle East. But the potential for abuse is tremendous, and once again, Obama seems unrestrained in implementing whatever he has a personal stake in such as ignoring immigration laws and basically opening the gates to whoever would like to come in.
The potential for abuse through a program such as the “disposition matrix” is frightening when considering the potential for misuse of such a program against political enemies. Just one example should suffice:
For the last four years, New York Times journalist Charlie Savage has waged a legal battle against the Obama administration, seeking to reveal the government’s legal justifications for assassinating terror suspects without a trial. Specifically, Savage sued the Obama administration in an attempt to obtain details about the murder of al-Qaeda affiliated cleric, Anwar al-Awlaki. Al-Awlaki was born in New Mexico and eventually found himself on the U.S. government’s radar under suspicion of terrorism.
On September 30, 2011, drones sent by the CIA and Joint Special Operations Command flew into Yemen and bombed al-Awlaki and al-Qaeda propagandist, Samir Khan. The case drew public criticism not only because al-Awlaki was an American citizen, but because several weeks after his death, another American drone killed al-Awlaki’s 16-year-old son, Abdulrahman. He was also a U.S. citizen living in Yemen.
According to the ACLU, “of more than 500 credibly reported strikes, only nine have been acknowledged on the record. Of more than 4,800 credibly reported deaths, only 11 have been acknowledged by the government. We don’t know how many individuals are on a government ‘kill list.’”
There is the real possibility that an American president, even this American president, will delude themselves and launch this program on American citizens deemed “a danger,” which could easily be enacted, even upon these shores.
Obama is as unethical and narcissistic as anyone who has occupied the Oval Office, and this program must be exposed and stopped before he is further able to destroy those with whom he has an agenda against. Obama has shown himself to be an unmitigated political operative who will do anything to get his way and defeat his enemies. Using the “disposition matrix” could be one more way that he overextends his authority, and it must be exposed and discontinued.
What the heck
Enemies Both foreign and DOMESTIC
What a deal
That’s what the Germans said with$#%&!@*! We know what happened after that thinking don’t we?
Well we can’t go around killing presidents,,,but I don’t think anybody would miss him too much
Who knows perhaps the military will step in eventually like they did with hitter ,