The acting AG of the United States, Matthew Whitaker, said during an interview that there is sufficient evidence to warrant a special prosecutor to investigate the Clinton Foundation.
President Trump alluded to the fact that Hillary’s head is still not off the chopping block, saying “some things just take a bit longer.” Perhaps Whitaker’s earlier statements regarding the Clinton scandals was a reason for his appointment.
Matthew Whitaker, the acting attorney general of the United States and a former U.S. attorney for the Southern District of Iowa, said in a 2016 interview that there is enough evidence “in the public domain” to warrant the appointment of a “special prosecutor” to investigate the Clinton Foundation. He added that the Foundation was “clearly a pay-to-play situation” where if you gave money to the Foundation, you got “preferential treatment” at the State Department, which was headed by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton from 2009 to 2013.
It’s very interesting to watch the Clinton camp try to explain away these meetings,” said Whitaker. “Fifty percent of the meetings she took with people that were not essentially employees or representatives of countries or the like, just sort of individuals that wanted to meet with the Secretary of State, 50 percent of those – as the AP has reported, more than 50 percent – were Clinton Foundation donors.”
“It is not possible for them to explain away that Clinton Foundation donors were given preferential treatment when it came to seeing the Secretary of State,” he said.
Whitaker further said that the demise of the FBI’s investigation into Clinton’s illicit use of a private email server is “one of the reasons that a special counsel is required.”
“We need somebody that is independent to look at these facts,” he said. “I was concerned when I heard that the Attorney General [Loretta Lynch in 2016] and the politicals at the Department of Justice had determined not to open an investigation into what is clearly a pay-to-play situation where, if you gave money to the Clinton Foundation, you got preferential treatment, if you had business from the State Department.”
Source: Washington Examiner, CNS