Linda and Larry Drain have been married for 33 years but are now forced to separate because of the pitfalls of Obamacare and their state Medicaid program .
Stuck in a health care coverage gap, their combined income is too little to qualify for Obamacare subsidies yet exceeds the limit on unearned income to qualify for TennCare after Larry opted for early retirement.
Linda has epilepsy and must take expensive medication so she can’t do without insurance. Larry is without insurance but he has a hernia and is living on hope that he suffers no complications as he can’t afford surgery.
They have been appealing to Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam in numerous letters to expand TennCare.
Never divorce because of economics conditions it’s the wrk of the devil do not succumb to temptations that will bring you before god unfavorably!
W you read this ! You should know that “truth in action”, is satin at WORK AND HE/IT HAS A LOT OF FOLLOWERS!!!.
Bull$#%&!@* !!
Traci Sanchez sure they do if they want rates they can afford. Nothing affordable about the Affordable Care Act. But the agenda is divide and conquer.
Most pathetic. Obama is an atrocity to all that has come to be in his actions. Marxist hater.
someone needs to send this to the president
why don’t they have medicare with a supplemental insurance
Satan has a lot f followers because he has tempted each follower into sin and now holds them captive they have chosen him satan draw the line now people god or satan??? I choose the almighty god!!!
It was a sad day for America and the World, when Barack Insane Obama was elected President. He should be in PRISON not in the White House.
Why have everyone felled for this lying bull$#%&!@*s about Obozocare ??? Government control health care is nothing but to let you get screwed and die from getting $#%&!@*ed by the government !!!!!!!