Linda and Larry Drain have been married for 33 years but are now forced to separate because of the pitfalls of Obamacare and their state Medicaid program .
Stuck in a health care coverage gap, their combined income is too little to qualify for Obamacare subsidies yet exceeds the limit on unearned income to qualify for TennCare after Larry opted for early retirement.
Linda has epilepsy and must take expensive medication so she can’t do without insurance. Larry is without insurance but he has a hernia and is living on hope that he suffers no complications as he can’t afford surgery.
They have been appealing to Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam in numerous letters to expand TennCare.
And, they are in this pinch, because Tennessee refused to expand medicaid to cover them.
Not because of “Obamacare”, but because of the Tennessee governor.
TwistedMoon says:
“Checked further into this article…and it’s been twisted from the start. They are NOT filing for divorce. They simply filed a legal paper that separates their incomes. Ones income CANNOT be used against the other. Anyone can do this…simply ask any attorney (cost averages about $50 in most states). Oh, and before the inevitable mud-slinging begins…NO, I am NOT an Obama supporter. I think ALL politicians are criminals. But, enough is enough…it’s bad enough when the politicians lie, but when our own media (yes, that DOES include this page) lies as well, it’s sickening.”
Checked further into this article…and it’s been twisted from the start. They are NOT filing for divorce. They simply filed a legal paper that separates their incomes. Ones income CANNOT be used against the other. Anyone can do this…simply ask any attorney (cost averages about $50 in most states). Oh, and before the inevitable mud-slinging begins…NO, I am NOT an Obama supporter. I think ALL politicians are criminals. But, enough is enough…it’s bad enough when the politicians lie, but when our own media (yes, that DOES include this page) lies as well, it’s sickening.
siec says:
“Tennessee is to blame, they tried to prevent the Affordable Care Act, instead they hurt the people of their state. My husband and I had pre-existing conditions, we have paid into insurance all of our lives. Our insurance was $2800 a month, with our health problems we could not work full time. The ACA helped us get insurance down to $500.00 a month. So you haters can go to HELL.”
Obamacare has caused my prescription insurance to almost double, and since I am allergic to the generic of synthroid I get a hike in price every three months. Seniors are really suffering, my medical is almost $600 a month, plus the cost of prescriptions.
JD says:
“Unfortunately it is the state this couple lives in that blocked medicaid expansion for folks like this. The title of article is just more propaganda to blame the President. Quit drinking the hate coffee folks and wake up. Its your Republican elected officials of your state doing what they are good at……lying to your face! But….in my my opinion these crazy Rep. Haters are just digging a deeper grave every time they try to a lie.”
Unfortunately it is the state this couple lives in that blocked medicaid expansion for folks like this. The title of article is just more propaganda to blame the President. Quit drinking the hate coffee folks and wake up. Its your Republican elected officials of your state doing what they are good at……lying to your face! But….in my my opinion these crazy Rep. Haters are just digging a deeper grave every time they try to a lie.
JD who ever you are A medicaid expansion is going on welfare most republicans have worked all their life and considers welfare a shame if you are working. It is for disabled and children not for adults that can work. Not to mention that if you dray it and own your own home when you die what you drew gets paid back by way of taking what ever you own.