Linda and Larry Drain have been married for 33 years but are now forced to separate because of the pitfalls of Obamacare and their state Medicaid program .
Stuck in a health care coverage gap, their combined income is too little to qualify for Obamacare subsidies yet exceeds the limit on unearned income to qualify for TennCare after Larry opted for early retirement.
Linda has epilepsy and must take expensive medication so she can’t do without insurance. Larry is without insurance but he has a hernia and is living on hope that he suffers no complications as he can’t afford surgery.
They have been appealing to Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam in numerous letters to expand TennCare.
So, what to do. The 12 Presidential Agendas at gets to the core problems and offers the solutions.
Tennessee is not to blame, it’s SLOB-OBAMA-CARE, DEATH PANEL that is the final decider!
Tennessee is to blame, they tried to prevent the Affordable Care Act, instead they hurt the people of their state. My husband and I had pre-existing conditions, we have paid into insurance all of our lives. Our insurance was $2800 a month, with our health problems we could not work full time. The ACA helped us get insurance down to $500.00 a month. So you haters can go to HELL.
No the obamacare is the problem period. They both would have had insurance to cover most of their expenses. The Affordable Care cut into the Medicare and Advantage Programs by cutting them almost a half trillion dollars. This cost is now being forced on the taxpayer. I have medicaid and hate it. I seldom go to the doctor, was paying copayments that are not required, however, the care I did receive when I went in the last time is horrible. I really like the doctor but now we can only discuss the problem I came in for, not the other problems that are actually related. This is NOT quality care, it is barely the basics. There are only a small percentage of people it is helping. Congrad’s to you, you guys are very lucky. I hope your luck continues because they said the next increase for premiums could jump as high as 40 percent. Lets see. How much will that increase your premiums and you need to take in your deductible because that is going up too. the fact that the other taxpayers are picking up the tab doesn’t bother you? The reality is if there was competition in the insurance business, it was privately run and you could pick the best plan for you and your family at what you can afford, all of us would be paying less and into the system and not just those who are working (this includes the working poor).
We are in the same in regards to food assistance.
so sad is not right
Come on people. Is everyone on here really that stupid? Divorce because of Obamacare? We have some really dumb people in America!
This is the America some of you voted for. More heartaches to come. Thank you for destroying this Country.
I would just love to find someone who voted for Obama here…but no one will admit it today. Fear of being punched out!, lol.
I voted for him, but reluctantly. Twice. But then, I’m left of Obama, so I had few choices. First time I’ve been on this site. Everything here looks like a steaming pile of horse c**p. Made up stories to frighten the ignorant.