They have been appealing to Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam in numerous letters to expand TennCare. Seems nobody in his office cares to take up this horrible situation for this couple.
The couple’s struggles have continued since their separation, they told host Alyona Minkovski on Friday.
Larry sent countless letters to Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam asking him to expand TennCare, but his office was unresponsive, Larry said. The couple faced another blow when Haslam’s Insure Tennessee plan, which would have expanded health care coverage to 280,000 low-income Tennesseans, never even made it out of the state’s Senate Health Committee.
“It crushed me. It was my hope. It was my hope,” Larry said.
Linda described the “hardship” the couple has faced has since she moved 25 miles away from Larry to find subsidized housing. Linda explained:
It’s really been a change that neither one of us expected. … It’s been costly because the gas expense is enormous for his income and mine. … It’s not something that’s within our budget to see each other whenever we would like, and the maintenance on the car is another consideration.
While the Drains seek a more permanent living situation, visits are few and far between.
“Right now I just plan on him coming to Knoxville about once a week or so. And that’s not ideal,” Linda said.
F**k our government
Obama Is Officially The Worst President In American History! America Will Prosecute Hillary & Her Foundation On Nov.8th With A Guilty Vote For Trump/Pence!
All Americans Really What The Hell Do We Have To Lose?
Electing A President Who Is Pro Law & Order, Pro Legal Imigration, Pro Secure Boarders, Pro Military, Pro Jobs & Businesses & Pro America First!
He Will Make Hispanics, Afro Americans, Caucasians, Man, Women, Children’s, Veterans & Senior Citizens Future Much Better & Brighter!
Remember Our Country, States & Cities Have Been Spiraling Downward For Decades Under Democratic Leadership!
I Believe We Should Give Him A Chance Instead Of Staying The Same Failed Course! Thank You!
Vote Trump/Pence On November 8th To Make America Great Again!
How sad. This is what Obama has given America.
This is horse p**p.we all know that.
How Much More Will American’s Take? Its Past Time For American’s To Unite & Take Our Country Back.