The mission behind Counter Jihad is stated with clarity and purpose:
From Counter Jihad:
The CounterJihad is a response to the ongoing incursion by Islamist groups and their ideology into American life. We will help educate the public with facts and ask you to join us in an effort to stop this. We call it a CounterJihad since there is a global Jihad against free Western society with both violent and civilizational arms and we must respond to their attacks.
We are not anti-Muslim, but we strongly oppose the subset of Muslims who believe they are divinely called to impose their religion on others, by force if necessary. The best way to describe them is adherents of the Islamic supremacist doctrine called sharia.
The site was reported by Breitbart to be CAIR’s worst nightmare. The article further explains CAIR’s role in jihadist activity in the United States.
From Breitbart:
Islamist entities have also secured footing in the United States. Among the more prominent is the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), which poses as a Muslim civil rights organization while maintaining ties to Islamist groups worldwide. CAIR operatives have met with White House officials, yet they have previously demanded the silencing of their critics in accordance with Sharia law.
CAIR has been declared a terrorist organization in the United Arab Emirates and was named by federal prosecutors as an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation’s Hamas-funding operation. In December, an FBI chart, along with governmental testimony, surfaced that alleged CAIR was a Hamas-related organization.
Jim Hanson, CSP’s executive vice president, tells Breitbart News the new campaign is “a response to the incursion by dangerous Islamist groups and their intolerant ideology into the American way of life. We will educate the public and explain how concerned Americans can help stop this.”
Americans would do well to view Counter Jihad for themselves, especially the “backgrounders” section, which focuses on specific issues and questions about the activities of jihadists.
The United States has the opportunity to avoid the fate of Europe. It just needs the will to talk sense to the rest of the world.
Source: Breitbart
Source: Counter Jihad
Start by getting CAIR off of American soil today. FBI you need to do your job. We all know CAIR and Hamas are in bed together.
Nuke them and be done with it
These are all in preparation for issuing in Agenda 21 which has been in the works for many years. Try Glen Beck, Agenda 21 on YouTube or Rosa Koire. They explain it well and you will be amazed at how everything he has done fits EXACTLY into the UN mandated plan.
I am not buying this.. I cry a Big BS.
****PLEASE READ**** ! ! My sons story, There are so many out there praying for us and wishing us well, My son has aspergers, ADD, Clinical Anxiety and Clinical Depression with suicidal tendencies if there is anyone out there, a Celebrity maybe or anyone else with some clout who has the resources to get my sons story heard, My sons story would then have been given a chance of at least being read by the celeb or someone able to help in his cause. The story on my wall has been provided with so much proof it would make them sick over it and someone would have done something by now. I am still praying it will happen. INTERESTED in doing the right thing?? Championing a special needs child Being abused while it is ignored by everyone in the state of Illinois simply because he is different. While they refuse to admit that not only does it happen but that it is a frequent and growing issue across this country This kind of treatment will eventually affect all students and children in all Schools etc. If nothing else can you look at the post on my wall and read his story that I have been posting? Thank You! That story is why I have been repeatedly posting as replies on your posts for over a month now. Thank you. PLEASE READ MY WALL AND SHARE !!
it’s nothing more than their own proclaimed agenda using smoke and mirrors to get everyone to ease up and not be as vigilant its just plain and simple just as they have been using our system and our beliefs against us from the start. personally I am not an ignorant Liberal and will not fall for their ploys !!
All muslims and muslim organizations must be under suspicion. We have seen what these animals are doing in other countries. Agreed not all muslims are bad but until they can be recognized and moved out all must be deported. If one believes in the Quran that says kill all infidels then they are the enemy.
Watch your back Donald. Vote for Trump!